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Meet the Team

Juncture is run by undergraduate students at the University of Manchester. We have a strong partnership with the School of Social Sciences, allowing us to produce high-quality and UoM sponsored journals.

Chief Editors


Antonia Giles

Hi, I’m Antonia. I’m in my final year of Politics & International Relations, and am currently researching how the historic persecution of women as witches has impacted the modern-day policing of women's bodies.

Mitchell Bowcock

Hi, I'm Mitch and I'm in my third year of Politics & International Relations. I'm mostly interested in IPE and the cooperation between central banks and IGOs in insulating economies from international crises. I'm really excited for what's sure to be a fantastic year ahead!

Executive Board


Ella Logan-Wilson

General Secretary

I’m a third-year student studying Politics and International Relations. My main areas of study are comparative politics and security studies. Specifically, evolving globalisations influence on global security as well as mainstream medias impact on political discourse and policy making.

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Edward Teather

Board Content Manager

I'm in my third year studying Philosophy and Politics. I am writing my dissertation on the impact of generative AI on the study of aesthetics and the philosophy of art. In politics I am interested by devolution and local government policy.

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Farida Hassan

Social Media Manager

I’m Farida and I’m in my second year studying Politics and French. My main interests lie in international politics and foreign affairs, particularly in the Middle East and Africa.

Editorial Board

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Ellen Jarrett

Hi, I’m Ellen! I’m a third year studying Politics and Modern History. I’m particularly interested in the history and political theory of nationalism.


Calixthe Blain

Hi! My name is Calixthe and I am a third year PPE student. My political interests are very diverse. I am mostly interested in questions of international migration and terrorism. I enjoy learning about how our perception of political issues can evolve and become manipulated.


Ella Logan-Wilson

I’m Ella, a second-year Politics and International Relations student.

My main areas of interest are comparative politics and security studies. Specifically, I am interested in the role growing economies have in shaping the international system and comparing the foreign policies of world powers.


Katie Kilburn

Hi, I’m Katie and I’m a fourth year Politics, Philosophy and Economics student. An interdisciplinary approach to political issues is what interests me most and Juncture is an amazing journal for this. Some of my other favoured topics are development, corruption, and education.


Lily Cheetham

Hi, my name is Lily and I’m a final year Politics and Social Anthropology student. I have many political interests, such as terrorism and the Global Economy. I find the interdisciplinary nature of my course to be very interesting as I am able to look at political events from an anthropological perspective. 

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Sarah Shields

Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm currently in my third year studying Politics and Spanish.

My main areas of interest within politics include political theory, feminism and the effects of capitalism, particularly neoliberalism. I am excited to research further how these topics relate to wider political systems and society as well as how they interfere with the politics of mental health.

© 2024 Juncture.

The University of Manchester Undergraduate Politics Journal

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